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Fun things to do with kids in Netherlands - A day in Archeon

Updated: May 12

How stoked am I to let you in on this amazing archeological open air and living museum in Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands 🤩 I have lived in the Netherlands for a little more than 3 years now and I'm amazed at myself that I hadn't spotted this hidden gem before. So finally after all this time, I decided to take my family to Archeon and oh boy! did we love it? Or did we LOVE it ! Once we entered the museum, we were racing against time because there were so many exciting activities to do!

Welcome to Archeon
Welcome to Archeon

Keeping this post simple and informative, I have noted down the different activities that Archeon offers. Welcome too Archeon! It is a true hidden gem in the Netherlands, an avenue with exciting offerings for families with kids, where one can explore life in Dutch history dating back to 8800 BC in prehistoric times from the Stone Age, transitioning into the Middle Ages and eventually ending at the Roman Era.

The interactive map below indicates the different sections of the museum - Prehistoric, Middle Ages, The Viking Period, and the Roman Era including more than 43 houses, huts and farms. In Archeon you will travel back in time to city gates, roman ships, roman shields, singing monks, monasteries, huts, bridges and lakes. You will need more than a day to cover all activities in there, so a great recommendation could also be to book their spacious 4-persons lodge for 4 or 5 nights and discover their museum leisurely. What you could alternatively do is turn up early at opening time at 10 am and stay until their closing time at 5 pm, that way you have time to enjoy all excursions at your own pace and also grab lunch and coffee at ease.

The interactive map of Archeon
The interactive map of Archeon

You begin your tour with an informative film on the Dutch history. Archeology House

Then you continue your tour into a room full of exhibits and collections on display. There are two levels to this house. The upper level, the Archaeology house South Holland, houses the exhibits of objects found in the ground and worktables for children or teens to explore and engage in work. Each exhibit has an audio presentation in Dutch, English and German.

Variety of collection at the ArcheologyHouse South Holland
Variety of collection at the ArcheologyHouse South Holland

On the same level is also the studio for the Archaeological working community in the Netherlands or Archeologische Werkgemeenschap Nederland (AWN).

Grave from Bronze age
Grave from Bronze age

On the lower level, is the restoration yard where six Zwammerdam ships are currently being restored.

After this, you process to the outdoor space starting with the Prehistoric period.

8800 - 12 BC - Prehistoric Period

Hunter-gatherer camp where you get the interact with a hunter

A hunter-gatherer wearing animal-skin clothes
A hunter-gatherer wearing animal-skin clothes

Draped in animal hide
Draped in animal hide

Start a fire with flint stones and sticks

Get painted like a real painter

Got painted like a hunter with natural plant based paints
Got painted like a hunter with natural plant based paints

Happily canoeing in the lakes of the prehistoric avenue

Sailing in a real canoe
Sailing in a real canoe

Family picture in a canoe
Family picture in a canoe

Playing dress up in Mesolithic times



Hides and tools of Mesolithic civilization

Clothing from animal skins, sharp knives from flint, items from wood, bone and antlers
Clothing from animal skins, sharp knives from flint, items from wood, bone and antlers

12 BC to 406 AD - The Roman Era

In the Roman villages of Trajectum ad Rhenum, you can interact with the people of the Roman period. You can get a massage in the bathhouse, make a fibula (Roman pin), try the helmet, wear the Roman costumes and do a countless other things. Few of the things that we attempted were:

Watch the horse riding at the Roman avenue

Entry into the Roman era
Entry into the Roman era

Witness amazing falconry at the Roman arena

Vulture in the falconry show up close
Vulture in the falconry show up close

Kids participating in the falconry
Kids participating in the falconry

Get ready to fight

At the weapon stand you will find weapons like the cassus, segmentata, gladius, scutum and the pilum and costumers of gladiators.

At the weapon stand including weapons like the cassus, segmentata, gladius, scutum and the pilum
At the weapon stand including weapons like the cassus, segmentata, gladius, scutum and the pilum

Ready in the get up for the gladiator fight
Ready in the get up for the gladiator fight

The highlight of the museum: The Gladiator fight

The tradition of gladiator fight originates the period when ritual fights to the death were orchestrated to honour dead family members. Gladiators were originally slaves with no rights, who had been condemned to death or convicted prisoners of war, and criminals.

The Queen in her character
The Queen in her character

Two gladiators ready to battle
Two gladiators ready to battle

In this Roman arena, a mock battle between 2 gladiators of different types come face to face. So who do you think will win?

Two gladiators at each other
Two gladiators at each other

At the end of the battle - happy and content
At the end of the battle - happy and content

406 - 1500 AD - The Medieval Period

In the medieval period, a lot of crafts were developed and you notice a lot of hard work been done. From beekeepers, basketmakers, Pots merchants, shoemakers, surgeons, bakers etc. trading thrived.

Shops and houses in the Medieval town of Gravendam in the 14th century

Shops and houses in Gravendam
Shops and houses in Gravendam

Markets were set up 2 to 3 times a week, where farmers and villagers bought their stuff like grains, livestock, firewood, eggs, milk and so on and so forth.

Shops and houses in Gravendam
Shops and houses in Gravendam

A Bronze Age shop
A Bronze Age shop

Singing monks in Medieval times

The brothers practice their songs. You want to sing along a bit?

Singing hallelujah
Singing hallelujah

Participating in medieval church processions

The medieval church procession
The medieval church procession

The medieval church procession 2
The medieval church procession 2

Making beeswax candles

Make a candle at the imker
Make a candle at the imker

Beeswax burns easily and is a great option for natural, non-toxic, homemade candles.

Middle Ages storytellers, also called a troubadour or a minstrel role playing in the market place.

Story telling time
Story telling time

The Musical instruments used by the Medieval musicians, the Minstrels or Troubadours.

The Musical instruments used by the Medieval musicians, the Minstrels or Troubadours.
The Musical instruments used by the Medieval musicians, the Minstrels or Troubadours.

Weaving a cloth from wool

The weaver makes cloth from wool or linen thread.

The weaver makes cloth from wool or linen thread.
The weaver makes cloth from wool or linen thread.

Making Tweed baskets out of willow shoots

In this 'hutkom', the baskets are made of cane or wicker

Basket making lessons
Basket making lessons

The hutkom of cane wicker makers
The hutkom of cane wicker makers

800 AD - The Viking Period

This whole area is a reconstruction of Dorestad in 800 AD. Here you will notice merchant houses with thatched roofs, workshops or hutkom of glass bead makers, goldsmiths and blacksmiths. In this era, viking boats were used for transportation and trading. A very famous viking boat named the Gokstad Viking Ship has its replica currently housed in Archeon. Its original is currently housed in Oslo in the Viking Ship museum.

Sword Fighting in the Viking period

A basic weaponery of a Viking warrior used to be a sword. And it was thus necessary that one should know how to fight with a sword if he or she wanted to be a viking. A sword fighting demonstration at the Archeon seemed to gather a lot of interested viking participants. Be ready for the little warriors you peeps.

Playing the strategic Viking chess or Hnefatafl

Viking chess is considered to be one of the most strategic games played by the Nordic and Celtic people in medieval Scandinavia. Such an interesting and fun game, you can spend hours just strategising and attacking your opponent with clever moves.

Kids playing viking chess while the other lady is demonstrating weaving
Kids playing viking chess while the other lady is demonstrating weaving

Towing a Viking boat

Towing a Viking boat in Archeon definitely peaks the list of fun things to do with kids in Netherlands, doesn't it? History has it that the Vikings were the greatest mariners of their generation. They were known to be warriors, voyagers, and merchants who sailed around the globe.

Get the viking boat across the river
Get the viking boat across the river

Apart from these activities, there are way more activities and interesting sites to visit within the museum. Also, the museum holds special events throughout the year. You can track these events on their calendar.

For tickets, with the Museum pass you have free entrance to Archeon (with the exception of a few events). For regular tickets, you can visit their website and make your reservation.

Food - They have several small eateries offering Frites (fries), ice creams, pizzas and drinks. There are 3 proper restaurants within the venue where you can eat to your fill - Pancake house, Trajana, Roman Inn.

With this a day at Archeon is well spent! Entertainment and Education is done right !

If you have enjoyed reading this article, please share with your friends and family and do drop in your suggestions and comments. Happy to answer any of your questions :)


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Exploring the world one sip at a time. ☕✈️ Follow Amy Sidd's adventures at The Morning Brew for a daily dose of travel inspiration.



Looking for unique travel experiences? Look no further than The Morning Brew. Hi, I am Amy, exploring the world one sip at a time. ☕✈️ My blog is dedicated to providing families with the most exciting, fun, and authentic travel experiences. The Morning Brew is my travel journey of travel escapades to gorgeous places, meeting like-minded people, exploring different culinary treats and the experience of travelling with kids. I invite you to explore my content and reach out and engage—I’m happy to hear from you, as well. Subscribe to our blog for more updates and travel inspiration. Follow Amy Sidd's adventures at The Morning Brew for a daily dose of travel inspiration.

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