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2023 - A Year of Epic Adventures, Challenges, Triumphs and Unforgettable Memories

Festive Decor 2023
Festive Decor 2023

2023 has been very different, a year of travel like no other. While we have traveled in previous years, this year has taken our adventures to a whole new level. We jetted off to not one, not two, but a whopping nine new countries in just twelve months! Can you believe it? And let's not forget about the incredible cities we explored right here in our own ‘matrabhumi’, India 🇮🇳. We were like modern-day explorers, uncovering hidden gems and immersing ourselves in the rich culture and history of our homeland.

But it wasn't just about the travel. Oh no, it was so much more than that. Sidd became even more determined than he already was to throw caution to the wind and stop caring about what the haters and naysayers had to say and I embraced a new level of determination and said goodbye to people-pleasing. We focused on creating unforgettable moments with our parents, expressing our gratitude for the incredible life they have given us.

And let me tell you, my kids? They are the epitome of adventure and purpose. We have nurtured their young souls with a passion for exploration and a zest for life. They are agile, curious, and always ready for the next big adventure. It's truly awe-inspiring to see their young minds soak up the wonders of the world. So proud to be their parent ! 💜

And as if all of that wasn't enough, I embarked on a thrilling entrepreneurial journey with The Morning Brew. I took our passion for sharing stories and turned it into a full-blown business. Apart from being a Homemaker, Kathak dancer, Dutch student and most importantly a wife and a mother, I continue to push myself to new heights and achieve things I never thought was possible.

And I’m doing this for ME.

But here's the thing, none of this was planned. It all happened organically, because that's just who I am, that’s just who WE are. We don't believe in making resolutions that will be forgotten by February. No, we believe in infusing every aspect of our lives with meaning and purpose. We don't chase money for the sake of being rich someday. No, we use our resources to create unforgettable experiences with the people we love right now, while we still have the chance.

2023 has presented its fair share of challenges for us, just like it has for everyone else. We have experienced personal and professional struggles that are not always shared on social media. However, I am grateful for these challenges as they have allowed me to appreciate the full spectrum of life. They have taught me the importance of resilience and the value of overcoming obstacles. As we gear up for 2024, my main mission is to be the CEO of my own happiness. I'll be surrounding myself with the people who only truly matter in my life and bidding farewell to any drama that tries to crash the party. It's time to upgrade my self-care game and let go of any negative vibes that have overstayed their welcome. I'll be cultivating a garden of kindness and wisdom within myself, because let's face it, being fabulous is a full-time job 🥰

Rather than making resolutions that I may not stick to, I will continue to excel in what I do and strive for personal growth. I can't wait to see what life has in store for me! What I really want is to travel more, far and wide, and create amazing memories of the places I explore and the people I meet. I'll keep sharing my travel experiences on The Morning Brew and hope that I never have to travel just to blog, but that I always blog because I travel so much! I also hope to find ways to give back to society through my travel blog, even if I'm not sure how just yet. I trust that the right opportunities will come my way, and I will continue to stay committed to never giving up.

So as we bid adieu to 2023 and welcome in the new year, we're strapping ourselves in for another wild ride. We're ready to take on whatever life throws our way, with a dash of wit, a sprinkle of humor, and a whole lot of adventure. And let's keep hustling, keep growing, and keep posting those epic pics for the 'gram. Because some things never change, and that's perfectly okay! 😉 So buckle up, folks, because 2024 is going to be one heck of a ride!

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Amen to that!!

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Exploring the world one sip at a time. ☕✈️ Follow Amy Sidd's adventures at The Morning Brew for a daily dose of travel inspiration.



Looking for unique travel experiences? Look no further than The Morning Brew. Hi, I am Amy, exploring the world one sip at a time. ☕✈️ My blog is dedicated to providing families with the most exciting, fun, and authentic travel experiences. The Morning Brew is my travel journey of travel escapades to gorgeous places, meeting like-minded people, exploring different culinary treats and the experience of travelling with kids. I invite you to explore my content and reach out and engage—I’m happy to hear from you, as well. Subscribe to our blog for more updates and travel inspiration. Follow Amy Sidd's adventures at The Morning Brew for a daily dose of travel inspiration.

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